Anticipating threats and opportunities
We tailor our solutions to your exact needs, drawing on a suite of proven capabilities in a range of areas, including:
Managing innovation
Ayming not only re-engineers processes, we also help companies manage innovation strategically and sustain their investment in innovation.
Each year our consultants secure around €1 billion in tax credits for spending on research and development. They compile and manage claims in support of 15,000 projects annually, in multiple tax jurisdictions.
By fuelling further innovation, recovering these costs gives aerospace and defence companies a competitive advantage as they exploit new technologies and materials, advanced manufacturing techniques, and big data.

A holistic approach
We are a trusted partner, providing expert advice that boosts operational efficiency, supports innovation and empowers people to perform.
With 1,300 consultants supporting thousands of clients in 15 countries, we have a 30-year track record of creating valuable returns.
Our teams use their specialist skills – whether in data analytics or R&D funding, HR or finance – to transcend silos and deliver the best outcomes for the business as a whole. This holistic approach reconciles the sometimes conflicting needs and priorities of different parts of the organisation.
At Ayming we deal in results, not reports. So we are willing to share risks and rewards with our clients.
Streamlining tax costs
Tax is a burden on any business. The complexity posed by multiple taxes – from real estate to VAT, environmental and energy to local and sector taxes – makes it harder to manage that burden.
However, as with other costs in operations or procurement, increasing tax efficiency can unlock savings and drive competitive advantage.
For almost 30 years we have been helping companies reduce their tax costs and increase profitability.
Our tax specialists work within multidisciplinary teams to analyse your position and identify opportunities to reduce liabilities, recover tax and maximise credits. Ayming services range from the recovery of VAT from tax authorities in more than 50 countries and managing compliance to optimising tariffs on imported goods.